Wednesday, October 14, 2009,

WHAT ARE U "SINKING" ABOUT?Its early in the morning...HSC is drawing close?What do you do? Study? Wrong.You play Gunbound!

Gunbound is a game designed for those doing the HSC this year.Why?

Firstly a connection is achieved between those who play Gunbound and those who don't (thats right shirley) . Secondly the sense of belonging is strengthened between those who can afford avatar and those who cannot.

Maths is needed in this online game. One has to understand the relationship between angular velocity and tension to use trico to defeat ur enemies. One has to understand projectile motion, together with knowledge of resisted motion, to utilise ur mobile to ur advantage.

Economics kick in when purchasing your avatar. What do you buy? As you know, impulse buying can be quite disastrous, especially during a recesssion. Everything contains an opportunity cost. Do you want more damage, defense or more gold?? mmm.

Ofc this game has nothing to do with chemistry. Cept the use of physics is required also. One must calculate the displacement between u and ur enemy before launching ur shot across the map. Whether you're 10 cm away from ur enemy or ur enemy's 10 cm away from u...its all relative.Anyways enough physics..i dropped physics.

Anyways...what amazes me is that...the professional gunbound players tend to be between 14-16 years of age.

After Gunbound there wil always be a ehh fob sesh...before i start watching monkey magic..which is far more interesting than listening to PRETZ ad or poor english accents from a german person....however i realised Jap songs (Or KOREAN...i get them mixed up) can be quite ... ehh whats the word... good.

Anyways a wk before HSC people.ALL THE BEST!

3:29 PM

Sunday, October 11, 2009,

Yep so Pan kept telln me to blog, and I couldnt think of anything to blog.Anyways 10 days till HSC =S


Stressed? No. Im going for commerce. 96 ATAR.

Anyways enough talkn bout HSC.Its gonna be over in like 4 weeks time anyways.. So Alan Yang made a video on youtube and I just decided to share it if you guys have the spare time to watch it.

FAR...they should hve spellcheck on

8:42 PM

Tuesday, October 6, 2009,

OK.Studying at the state library.

People such as Wendie believed State library is a social scene. She's wrong! Wrong about a bunch of things actually =P (jokes). Got quite a bit of work done until the arrival of diep,willma and adro, who preocuppied us with newsflash regarding eric ang. State library is a place for people to study, also a place for people to steal. People reported phones, wallets and ipods missing...they are so desperate they even steal pencil cases and terry lees.

anyways time for lunch.we wandered around looking for a place to eat, on the way talking about diep's hot "female" pant, timz talkn bout the "mysterious J" and jill telln me how my yr 6 formal date is now a druglord (i stil believe she lied).

we arrived at this jap place with ppl complaining, like timz askn why theres a sign saying FULLY LICENSED at the front. eventually a cockcroach emerged from willma's school jersey, which he smoothly claimed the cockcroach was due to the lack of hygiene in the shop. Jill, who claimed to be scared of the cockcroached, swatted it without mercy and used my green tea cup to hide its remians...omg. ppl eventually started talkn bout the girl who i wil name as "A" and then we moved on to tong and wendie.LOL.funny person.eventually, the green tea got me tired and conincidentally, shirley left and anthony pointed it out i was depressed.timz decided to take advantage and claimed i liked shirley.eventually others joined in.

on the way back wendie decided to have a go at me.

W:"hey are u cut that "A" didnt come today.on a scale of 1 to ten how bad do u feel.i would cry right now if i were u"
Me: ""oh this msg from's sayn he cant come! blind so can u read it for me?wait read it again?hey are u cut that tonga didnt come..on a scale of 1 to ten how bad do u feel?i would cut my wrists if i were u...then cry again"

anyways we managed to get some work done at the end.we studied hard but pan gossiped harder.

9:32 PM

Friday, October 2, 2009,

Due to people such as anthony and pan asking me to make a blog, I succumbed to peer pressure and decided to eat up my precious dota time to make this time consuming and pointless blog.
Due to my lack of ideas, I used pan's as a template, of course, without the fancy and highly unnecessary sophisticated language.

OK.6 years and who cares how many days.
So we paid 6 years of school contribution.Looking back at all the memories at High, all the experiences and unnecessary embarassments, I've realised I've grown up and became a man.
From a 163cm kid in year 7, I realised I've evolved throughout the years, from a little normal asian kid to a tallish fob.

Not alot of memories in year 7.However there are a few things I remember at heart. First one is shorson the man giant ripping anton outside DT room first day of school. As Anton threw an object which was making its course to Hongwei, who fortunately ducked to tie his shoe lace and the object hit shorson instead. Shorson stunned anton for 4 seconds and picked him up and roared " ME YOU PRINCIPAL NOW!". As the teacher came out and asked "what happened shorson" he replied "i got his covered sir". That was an incident i wil never forget--dont mess with fobs.

I also remember when we were young, we played Runescape and people took it seriously. I remember i got teased cause i dont have a rune plate?Pfft..however,sometimes people take it too far. I remember Hongwei once gave David Hu 5 dollars to pay for membership fee but david hu used it to buy food, and they fought. I found that highly amusing.
Well, junior eventful day we told Shorson to bring a ball which had a giant lump on it.I wonder what wil become of us if he didnt bring that ball. We wouldnt be the HC AZIAN BALLERS LA (thats right pan!), we might be on magic island whom are always hiding from the one-whose-name-we-dont-mention (mr dowdell) or would be be part of HC MPW LA? it was also on the same day when a bunch of yr 8's kicked aways shorson's ball and after that shorson roared "WHERE THE FUCK MY BALL". The inappropriate grammar and bad choice of words scared the yr 8 kids away as they all ran to find Shorson's ball. As i said..dont mess with fobs.

Year 12 was my favourite year. It was an eventful year. From stupid typos such as bladecutter and Juliet Caesar, I made my presence known with my stupid jersey name -yiusofunny. It was a great year, sitting next to anthony in maths gossiping, or with xavier talkn about fuckfaces, with hongwei talkn bout indecent things in maths, with matt tang talkn bout various things, with alan talkn bout the economy and ofc with diep talkn bout dota and ehh,girls.

Sorry this is as nostalgic as i can get. This blog wasnt designed to be emotional like pan's or emo like shirley's. Its just...meant to express my feelings, except in a lighthearted and comprehensible manner. Thanks guys for all these memories. Thanks for pointing out my silly mistakes in english and I cant thank xavier enough for laughing at my grammar ("how come the soap didnt fell out?"). Thanks guys.

11:51 PM